(an indefinite integral)

12:21 AM (5/28/22):


7:20 AM (5/28/22):
"Your posts are otherworldly... How often should your audience, tune in... " - Lean Life Woman

7:21 AM (5/28/22): 
"Thanks, Lean Life Woman... I post at my discretion, but I post intermittently... throughout the day..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:26 AM (5/28/22):
"One life to live..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Seize the day (carpe diem)... for a better, brighter future..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:14 PM (5/28/22):
"Interesting article... It was just moments ago, that a notion occurred to me... which was that if someone randomly approaches you and says 'SHA-HI-DI ('sha-hee-dee')'... then you may be startled..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:28 PM (5/28/22):
"A music video, I was just reminded of..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:00 AM (5/29/22):
"I awoke moments ago, after quite a slumber... and was reminded of this scene... from the 2009 film 'Watchmen'... Not sure why, but as Peter Parker ('Spiderman') once said, 'With great power, comes great responsibility...'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:14 AM (5/29/22):
"I have occasionally wondered, if there ever was a classified moon landing (by Germany)... that preceded that of the United States (as of July 20, 1969)... given the nature of global affairs, in the past... Whatever was happening in the 1930's and 1940's, likely paved the way... for the 1969 moon landing, by America..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Was There A Nazi Moon Landing? - YouTube

5:20 AM (5/29/22):
"I was reminded of this scene, from the 1997 film 'Contact'... moments ago... A video transmission of the '1936' Olympic Games (in Berlin, Germany), is featured... and is apparently, of 'extraterrestrial origin'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Contact berlin games - YouTube

5:23 AM (5/29/22):
"In the context of 'Holocaust deniers,' and civil rights issues throughout the 20th century... there is credence for the notion, that there was a 'classified moon mission'... that preceded the one, that was sensationalized... by the United States... from the standpoint, of there being a general consensus... that the initial feat, required a very great maturity (given the implications of such)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:33 AM (5/29/22):
"The German Aerospace Center, is known as the 'DLR'... in contrast to the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA), in the United States... I suspect that the 'technology that was developed,' in the first 2 World Wars... may have been instrumental, for the 1969 moon landing... I also suspect that the thinking that gave rise to the first automobile, may be a factor... regarding my theory, of a classified moon landing... by Germany... In that country, there is the Autobahn... which is their highway.... The speed limit on such, is 130 km/hr (80 mph)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:51 AM (5./29/22):
"Do you really think that the basis, for establishing the German Aerospace Center (DLR)... the very same year, that America landed on the moon... was 'arbitrary'...? Such surely is not 'purely coincidental'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:56 AM (5/29/22):
"A theory of mine, is that when someone from Germany... landed on the moon, in the 1930's... someone flipped out, saying to himself, 'my God, how could this have happened... we have landed on the moon, a different celestial body'... perhaps that means something'... This may have sparked 'Aryan supremacy theories,' and led to the propaganda... that initiated the Holocaust, in 1941... regarding concentration camps, such as Auschwitz..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(Earth, in relation to the sun)

6:05 AM (5/29/22):
"...maybe that's why there has been a delay, in returning to the moon... what seems more apparent, is that if my theory holds true... such could be the basis for why humans have yet to step foot on Mars, in a capacity that is 'broadcasted'... aside from rovers, upon such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:52 AM (5/29/22):
An interesting list... featuring space agencies, on the continent of Africa..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Only 7 of those 21 featured countries... are shown on the list, prior to the one above... and they are:
Algeria, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia.
In Africa, there are 54 countries, in totality..." - Michael  Izuchukwu

"Well, what can I say..." - Dr. John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu (dad)
